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Tag: composer

Auto Loading in PHP

Auto Loading in PHP

Auto loading in PHP is the means by which to load classes (and traits and things!) without needing to specifically require the class file. On smaller projects with one or two classes and a handful of files this might not seem like a big deal, but on larger project, particularly with classes from different vendors, and in frameworks like Laravel, auto loading becomes particularly important. Our file structure To follow this PHP autoloading tutorial you should be aware of our…

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Using Composer Dependency Manager

Using Composer Dependency Manager

In days gone by when you wrote a project in PHP you would often write all parts of the project yourself, or you probably had code components from previous projects that you copy and pasted into your new project. You may even have gotten a third party library from the web. Of course in these days gone by you also had to figure out how to load the code into your new project. Composer Dependency Manager came along and changed…

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